Monday, April 26, 2010

Temperature By Daniel

Do you know what temperature is?    Temmperature tells you how hot or how cold something is.

There are 2 different ways to measure temperature:   fehrenheit, and celcius.

In celsius the water freezes at 0 degrees and in fahrenheit water freezes at 32

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Secret Chambers by Joe.B. and Bryan

Every inch in a ruler has secret chambers.  There are sixteen chambers in a inch.  You measure how many sections of those sixteen parts your now measure and mark for your answer.  You might have 1 3/16. That means 1 inch, and 3 parts of the 16. 

Some times you may see only 8 of the parts or secret chambers.  8 equal parts in the inch.  You may measure 1 and 2/8. That means 1 inche and 2 of the 8 parts is the length.  You can simplify this and also see that it would also be 1 1/4.  That means  1 inch and 1 of the 4 total sections is the length. 

When you measure, you need to find the whole number first, and then the "parts of the inch" which is a fraction.  And we all know that decimals and fractions are a "part of a whole."

A ruler is an instrument used in geometry.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions By Cassie

Adding and subtracting fractions can be very fun and easy.   What you do is you look at the denominaters  And if there the same then you just leave them the same then you add the numeraters.  Then you ask yourself if you have to change anything. (is it a improper fraction or does it need to be simplified..."how low can you go?"

  Subtracting fractions is almost the same but you subtract the numeraters instead of adding the numeraters.

  You can add or subtract fractions by drawing a candy bar or pizza to see the number of pieces.
You can also use a fraction strip to compare fractions.
Learning about fractions is very fun.   I  like learning about fractions do you?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Capacity by Matthew and Ryan

What is Capacity?
Capacity is how you measure the amount of matter an object can hold.

  4 quarts =1gallon
 2 cup's = 1 pint
2 pints =1 quart
1,000 milliliters = 1 liter.

Multiplication by Joe M.

Multiplication is when you put groups together. For example, you might have 4 groups 3 cookies.  The multiplication sentence would be 4 x 3.   So 3 cookies + 3 cookies + 3 cookies + 3 cookies =
12 cookies. 
The is above black dots is an array.   The multiplication sentence is  7  x   4  = 28
The numbers you multiply is called a factors.
The answer when you multiply is the product.
Do you like multiplication?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Time by Yuki and Andrew N.

                   There is many ways to measure time. You can measure time with a sundial, a calender, a clock & many more things. time is one of the least understod aspects of our universe. There are more than 2.6 million seconds in a month.You can measure time with clocks. Between every number there is 5 minutes.  There are 60 minutes in an hour. There are 60 seconds in a minute. We like time!

Angles by Natasha

An angle is a shape formed by two rays diverging from a common point called the vertex.  There a many angles.
Here are the names of some:
Acute Angle:  measures less than 90 degrees (see above)
Right angle: measures 90 degrees
Obtuse angle: measures between 90 degreesand 180
Complementary angle: have measurements with a sum of 90 degrees
Straight angle: measures 180 degrees
Supplementary angles: have measurements with a sum of 180 degrees

Counting By by Juliet

There are many ways to count by. You can count by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10`s.One of our songs is to the tune "If I Were A Rich Man." 
9,18 and 27
 63, 72, and 81
Count by 9s and shut the door!

 (tune: If I Were A Rich Man).

We have many different songs to count our numbers by. We have  a song for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8s.
My favorites are 9,7, and 4s.You can count anything in the world.

 When we multiply, divide, and do fractions, our counting by songs help us.  When we're finding the LCD we need to count up.

The Calendar by Cassie

The calender is very important. It tells you: holidays, months, and days of the week.
      I'm going to talk about holidays. Some holidays are: President's Day, Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, and New Year's Day.   There is about 20 holidays in one year. There is almost a holiday in every month.
      There are 12 months in one year. Some are: January, February, March, and April.  April is a rainy month and July is a warm month. One month has 30 or 31 days in it. (28 in February) On the calendar there are 5 work days and 2 weekend days.  Saturday and Sunday are the weekend days. 

Space Figures by Brayden and Andrew C.

Space Figures are shapes that are 3D. They can have as few as 0 points. Some might have a many as 5 points. There is only one space figure with zero faces. The shape with zero faces is a sphere. A face is the side of a space figure. A cone has a base and one vertex joined by a curved surface. An ice cream cone is the shape of a cone.  

Other space figures are: cubes, cylinder, pyramid, and rectangular prisms

Space figures can have faces, edges, and vertices. A vertex is a point were edges meet. An edge is formed when two faces meet. Figures are made up of two or more solid figures.
        You might use space figures every day, you might not even know it.

Fractions By Natalie H. and Mackenzie H.

Fractions help you in your everyday life. An example of a fraction is 1/4.  An example of an adding a fraction is 1/4+3/4=4/4=1. When the denominaters are the same you do not add the denominators,  you keep them the same. If the denominaters are not the same you find the LCD. (lowest common denominator) The LCD makes the denominaters the same.
Fractions are a part of a whole. Like they can be part of a candy bar, a circle, a ruler, or anything. 
In a ruler, the different parts between each inch are fractions.
How many pieces total is the denominator, and how many are colored (or eaten, like in a pizza) is the numerator.
When you multiply fractions you multiply the top, then multiply the bottom.  Then ask yourself two questions: 1. How low can you go: this means to simplify the fraction   2. Is it improper. If it's improper, you need to change to a mixed fraction  
When you divide fractions, you've got to multiply the reciprocal.
Fractions are sometimes difficult for some people and some fractions are very easy for some people. Fractions are very interesting !! Check out this fun fraction site.

Triangles by Isabel

There are 7 different  kinds  of triangles. Some triangles are : Equilateral , Obtuse, Right, and Acute. Triangles can be classified  by the length of their  sides.
Triangles can also be classified by the measure of their angles. Triangles are 180 degrees. (side + side + side = 180 degrees)  Triangles are a 3 sided polygon. Triangles are one of the basic shapes in geometry.  An Equilateral  triangle has three sides with equal legth. An  Obtuse tirangle has one  obtuse angle. A Right triangle has one right angle .
An Acute triangle has 3 acute angles. Triangles are very interesting!