Monday, April 26, 2010

Temperature By Daniel

Do you know what temperature is?    Temmperature tells you how hot or how cold something is.

There are 2 different ways to measure temperature:   fehrenheit, and celcius.

In celsius the water freezes at 0 degrees and in fahrenheit water freezes at 32

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Secret Chambers by Joe.B. and Bryan

Every inch in a ruler has secret chambers.  There are sixteen chambers in a inch.  You measure how many sections of those sixteen parts your now measure and mark for your answer.  You might have 1 3/16. That means 1 inch, and 3 parts of the 16. 

Some times you may see only 8 of the parts or secret chambers.  8 equal parts in the inch.  You may measure 1 and 2/8. That means 1 inche and 2 of the 8 parts is the length.  You can simplify this and also see that it would also be 1 1/4.  That means  1 inch and 1 of the 4 total sections is the length. 

When you measure, you need to find the whole number first, and then the "parts of the inch" which is a fraction.  And we all know that decimals and fractions are a "part of a whole."

A ruler is an instrument used in geometry.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions By Cassie

Adding and subtracting fractions can be very fun and easy.   What you do is you look at the denominaters  And if there the same then you just leave them the same then you add the numeraters.  Then you ask yourself if you have to change anything. (is it a improper fraction or does it need to be simplified..."how low can you go?"

  Subtracting fractions is almost the same but you subtract the numeraters instead of adding the numeraters.

  You can add or subtract fractions by drawing a candy bar or pizza to see the number of pieces.
You can also use a fraction strip to compare fractions.
Learning about fractions is very fun.   I  like learning about fractions do you?